The use
of Chinese raw herbs, pills or powders that are taken internally or applied
externally as a wash or poultice. They are an effective non addictive form of
treatment that treats the root causes of diseases not just the symptoms. The
formula will be tailored for your individual needs and may need to be changed
frequently as symptoms alter. For acute conditions herbal medicine is usually
taken daily for 3 days to a few weeks, with more chronic conditions usually
requiring months.
Herbal Medicine
is the biggest component of the Chinese medical treatment. While there are several
thousand of various medical substances used by the Chinese practitioners consist
of plants, minerals, and animals parts. The major component utilized by the
Chinese Herbalist is natural plants, which is most suitable for the human body
without any of the side effect.
Some of the chinese medicine and the ir functons are show below:-
Ginseng (ren shen) | Radix Morindae Officinalis (ba ji) | Cortex Eucommiae (du zhong) |
Os Tigris (hu gu) | Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong (chuan xiong) | Flos Caryophylli (ding xiang) |
Cernu Cervi Pantotrichum (lu rong) | Radix Sophorae Tonkinensis (shan dou gen) | Cortex Acanthopanacis Radicis (wu jia pi) |
Flos Lonicerae (jin ying hua) | Spica Prunellae (xia ku cao) | Herba Pteridis Multifidae (feng wei cao) |
Cornu Saigae Tataricae (ling yang jiao) | Herba Agrimoniae (xian he cao) | Cordyceps (dong chong xia cao) |
Radix Angelicae Sinensis (dang gui) | Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata (shu di) | Ganoderma Lucidum seu Japonicum (ling zhi) |
Moschus (she xiang) | Arillus Longan (long yan rou) | Cornu Rhinocerotis (xi jiao) |